If you don't open the book before making the second fold you end up with the handkerchief fold which gives you a small square with four layers of paper one on top of the other. The Cupboard - using a square piece of paper make the book fold then open the paper and take each outside edge and fold it to the center line. Let them try to fix their own mistakes without too much assistance. Let them know they can "try again" as many times as they need. 7. Children enjoy the repetition and they need time and repetition to work things out 8. Praise, praise and more praise - if the figure is somewhat crooked or a little wrinkled, so what? The Shinto religion incorporated the use of origami in its ceremonies and these shapes have remained unchanged for centuries. Although the experts can't agree on where origami originated, most of them agree that the Japanese are the ones who developed the traditional art form. This art form was passed down from generation to generation with nothing in writing. Notable Origamists Yoshizawa, a Japanese artist helped revive the art of origami when he developed a process of dampening the paper so he could mold sculptural forms. He called the process "wet folding". With his geometric skills, great imagination and precision he created magnificent dragons, elephants and birds using a single sheet of paper. Using either of these search engines a person could quickly find information about origami. Searching the relevant websites would educate people regarding the usefulness of the art of origami. They would learn that this popular activity is not just a form of art but a form of therapy, rehabilitation and education as well. In a group setting it helps an individual learn how to act appropriately in a social environment. This would be good for children who are having trouble communicating or getting along with other children. This activity requires patience and so it teaches people how to be patient. Again this would be beneficial for children.
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