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Origami Fisch falten mit Papier 🐟 Basteln mit Kindern - Einfache Bastelideen

Origami is also used in the technical world as well. Where would people find information about origami? Since origami is primarily considered art or crafting, a good place to look for details might be in an arts and crafts store. A store such as this usually sells a selection of any and all crafting activities. However this activity, when used as an art can become very complex. As people are become interested in origami, they begin to look for more challenging projects, those that demand plenty of thought, creativity and imagination. Using mathematics this activity requires the individual to think logically as well. As long as the person is able to read and follow basic instructions they have the skills required for origami. However, there are individuals who create origami designs for businesses and other commercial reasons these people are generally very creative and artistic. Patience is essential for the art of origami. Issey Miyake is a fashion designer who's unique style merged eastern fashion with western by incorporating the concepts of origami into his creations. In 1993 he designed two clothing lines, one called "Pleats Please" and the other "A POC" (A Piece of Cloth). Pleats Please was a clothing style that allowed for unrestricted movement without the fabric losing its shape. Realizing someone is willing to take the time to teach and show them how to do this activity promotes positive emotions. When origami is demonstrated in a group setting, it helps the troubled individual experience a sense of belonging. It enables them to interact with others and connect with people who they can relate to. Small paper dragons, pigs, rabbits and tigers become chop stick (or knife) rests, or attach them to your place cards for a decorative touch that your guests can take with them. Picnics: A large plastic cloth can be folded into a picnic basket then unfolded and used as a tablecloth or picnic blanket when you are ready to dine. 

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