The earliest application of solar cells considered to be very significant was being a back-up power source to the Vanguard satelilite back in 1958. The solar cells continued transmission for more than a year after the chemical battery exhaustion. The operation of solar cells during the mission was considered to be very successful and was duplicated in several American and Soviet satellites. You can expect a cooler and cleaner surrounding by investing in solar powered devices. Compared to oil, oil burning will release carbon dioxide plus other greenhouse gases into the air. The process of getting oil can also lead to damaged or compromised ecosystems because of spills and dredging. Cheap and Easy People do not have to keep maintaining solar cells, because a panel can last about 30 years or more if well kept. Denmark and Holland, and most of the northern European country, claims that they have more solar panels than the United Kingdom, indicating that you don t necessarily have to have a hot climate in order to enjoy the benefits of solar energy. How Much Area Does Solar Power Plants Need? Most, if not all, solar power plants require a certain stretch of land area in order to house all the solar panels that these power plants need to have in order to properly harness and collect sunlight and solar energy. At this day and age, there are actually over 200,000 homes that use solar energy technology, 10,000 of which are powered solely by solar energy. And with the introduction of different photovoltaic integrated products, and incorporating them into the construction of your home, or your work place, you can actually save a lot just from the initial cost of construction as compared to building a conventional custom house. Hydrogen is a tremendously destructive component that can be found in H-bombs, and also produces dangerous fallout for those exposed. These known dangers of solar energy may sound very threatening, but these are not the only things that you should be worried about, for solar energy could also have other not so well-known dangers that could pose a risk to your health. To build an array, the PV cells have to be packed together to form modules that are positioned together to create an array. The bigger arrays can create more than 2 kilowatts or 2.6 hp of power. The solar array can be installed in various ways. Horizontal arrays can be installed in the form of a free canopy.
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