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What is Solar Energy?

History Of Solar Energy When people talk about solar energy, a lot of people think of certain solar energy sources that are pretty common to them, such as wood, and even dried animal droppings. Aside from these possible sources of solar energy, people also associate the concept of solar energy as one of the possible causes for global warming. Cook the copper using red hot heats for about 30 minutes. Use a thick black layer of oxides and allow to form at the surface of the copper. Be sure that you do not leave the copper unattended while you are cooking. The oxide layer and the copper below it will cool at various speeds, leading the two to separate. Know Your Solar Energy System Before anything else, the very first thing that you must do is you must make sure that you know what different solar energy systems there are that you can choose from. Basically, there are two different types of solar energy systems, and those are the photovoltaic (PV) panels and solar thermal systems. You can actually build your own solar cell panel for only $100 or less by finding the best and most affordable sources. You can start looking for green companies. These companies offer some of the best prices and high quality materials to encourage people to choose environmentally friendly options in acquiring energy. Active solar water heating can heat water in the home with the use of pumps. There are two kinds of solar water heating systems namely direct and indirect systems. Direct systems heat the current household water in solar collectors. Water is pumped to a tank after heating. Indirect systems use heat transfer fluid. Before we can discuss more about the different risks, let us first discuss what solar energy is, and how it is produced in order to understand its different risks. Known Dangers of Solar Energy For those of you who don t know, solar energy is actually produced from a process that occurs within the sun known as nuclear fusion. 

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