Because it is the nature of free radicals, which is basically an atom with an unpaired electron, to achieve stability, they will try to do so by capturing the needed electron from other molecules. When the free radicals steel electrons from a stable molecule, that molecule will become a free radical itself, beginning a chain reaction. Unfortunately, human beings are one of the few animal species that do not produce their own antioxidants. That is why we depend so much on our diet for our source of antioxidants. In the study about antioxidant juice from pomegranates, researchers have found that the substance can effectively reverse the progression of atherosclerosis, or the hardening of the arteries. Flax oil is the essential oil that is derived from flax seeds, which are a great source of fiber. Flax seed have been used long before as an herbal remedy that is good for digestion. But flax has certainly more benefits in store for us. Flax oil is said to contain a high amount of lignans, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals. So far the most promising of all antioxidant supplements is Vitamin E, especially when it comes to working against heart disease. People who eat more foods rich in Vitamin E tend to have reduced risk of heart disease. Antioxidant supplements have been available for years now and while they can't substitute for a healthy diet and lifestyle, they do play a role in reinforcing your overall health and resilience. " However, studies on antioxidant supplements are for the most part inconclusive and so far, no one study has come up with the same results during antioxidant supplements tests. No problem though because you can always find antioxidant foods almost anywhere. The best way to lay an antioxidant-rich foundation that's inhospitable to toxins and free radicals is through a combination of whole foods. Free radicals are still necessary for life, but in order to prevent yourself from developing these diseases, you need to take action in keeping free radicals at a minimum. Fortunately for us, the body has a number of mechanisms to minimize free radical induced damage and to repair the damage which does occur.
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