This antioxidant dietary supplement works best when taken with Vitamin C as it seems that both vitamins have synergistic effect when taken in combination. Besides vitamins, antioxidant dietary supplements may be in the form of botanicals. Green tea, for example, is a rich source of the flavonoid derivatives (polyphenols) epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG), and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). But that's only as far as repair is concerned. What about controlling free radicals in the form of prevention? Now, this is where antioxidant support comes in. Antioxidant support plays a key role in the defense mechanisms of the body. The most common antioxidant supports are in the form of vitamins, specifically vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E. That means by the time you are 40, your cells may only have 30 per cent of cell divisions left. This is actually the reason behind the physical changes that goes on not only inside but outside the body as you approach your years. When your cells finally use up their naturally allotted cell divisions, the result is death. A better way would be to supplement the body with the "building blocks" required in order for our body to manufacture its own SOD, catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and other such antioxidant enzymes. The building block nutrients of antioxidant enzymes include the minerals manganese, zinc, and copper for SOD and selenium for glutathione peroxidase. Antioxidant antiaging therapy is actually a combination of different therapies used to slow and/or reverse human aging. With the possible exception of longevity medicine, antioxidant antiaging is one of the fastest growing segments of medicine. How antioxidant antiaging works As you process food for energy, your body produces substances that are highly unstable. Some of the basic food groups that prove to be rich sources of antioxidant vitamins are the following: Breads, cereals, pasta, and starchy vegetables (such as potatoes, yam, squash, etc.) Fruits and vegetables Fat-free milk and low-fat dairy products Lean meat, fish, and poultry Incidentally, if you pattern your diet after this basic food group, you not only ingest a high level of natural antioxidant vitamins, but you also keep fat buildup in your body.
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