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Antioxidants For Your Skin | Skin Saviour


The building block nutrients of antioxidant enzymes include the minerals manganese, zinc, and copper for SOD and selenium for glutathione peroxidase. In addition to antioxidant enzymes, many vitamins and minerals may also have antioxidant properties. These include vitamins C, E, A (beta-carotene) and nutrients such as lutein, lycopene, vitamin B2, coenzyme Q10, and cysteine (an amino acid). Diets high in lignans can lead to a lower chance of getting colon, prostate, and breast cancer. As an antioxidant, the flax oil's lignans can help boost the body's immune system, keeping harmful, disease-causing germs from damaging the cells. These plant hormones are also believed to block the formation of hormone-based tumors. To achieve maximum stability, free radicals therefore steal electrons from other molecules around them and in so doing, destroy the cell membranes and weaken the cell. Free radicals cause a chain reaction of "electron stealing" because the minute they start taking away electrons from other molecules, those molecules become free radicals themselves. Fruit, vegetables, and cereals in your diet have additional benefits compared to taking antioxidant fruits supplements. Scientists point out that this might be because consuming antioxidant fruits in food may provide a combination of lesser-known but potent antioxidant substances, which may afford greater effect than that of any single nutrient or individual antioxidant supplement. Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables like cabbages, cauliflowers, and Brussels sprouts are great antioxidant foods. They help prevent cancer and ward off heart disease. Cruciferous vegetables contain a compound called "indole-3-carbinol which is an antioxidant that reduces the risk of breast cancer and other estrogen-sensitive cancers, like cancer of the ovaries and the cervix. Anti Aging Antioxidants - The Answer to Aging In their focused attempts to find a solution to aging, scientists have finally made a breakthrough with the discovery of anti aging antioxidants. Anti aging antioxidants are substances whose sole function is to act on free radicals and keep them from damaging cell tissues. 

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