It is sometimes possible to negotiate with the seller to take care of it instead of bringing out additional cash. Are the designer shoes being auctioned off online authentic? The answer is yes. Most of these sites require the seller to sell something genuine or be penalized accordingly. Websites such as Ebay monitor this to protect the name of the company and those who transact business via the web. However, there are times that the high price of a shoe is due to some uncommon, unconventional or unique material integrated into the shoe's design, like the $2 million stiletto sandals created by known designer Stuart Weitzman. The pair of shoes has a total of 55 carats of clear diamonds and one big 5-carat stone decorated into the straps of the shoes. From a wide range of elegant stiletto heels to modestly stylish kitten heels, more and more women prefer heeled shoes and consider these ultimate feminine footwear because it create significant changes to the owner. Aside from giving the wearer a stylish sense in fashion, heeled shoes also boost their self-confidence by making their legs look longer, making their frame much taller while creating an image of sexiness while walking. It is, therefore, not surprising to see women paying great deals of attention on what to put on their feet. And since, during formal dinners it is expected that they'll be rubbing shoulders with dignitaries, celebrities or with rich and/or powerful people, women would always choose from their best collection of evening footwear. Still, why do we find such a large number of fake designer handbags, clothes, shoes, etc out there? The reason lies on what these designer items have to offer. It s the status symbol. With designer handbags, clothes and shoes, you are able to flaunt to the world that you can buy a $600 or $800 or $1000 handbag. Cost is not just the answer The designs of famous shoes designers may cost a great deal of money but it does not mean that they will look just as expensive when you wear them. In buying a pair of shoes, always remember to choose the style that fits the structure of your feet and not the cost or the design label.
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