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WANT MORE ANTIOXIDANTS? (5 easy ways to boost your antioxidant intake) 🍎


Blueberries and cranberries are usually the fruits that are often touted by nutrition scientists as the top antioxidant rich foods. In the vegetable variety, russet potatoes, red beans, and red cabbage are topping the list as well. However, there are also other fruits and vegetables that may contain more essential benefits to our health. These antioxidant enzymes neutralize many types of disease-causing free radicals, ridding the body of their harmful effects. Supplements of these antioxidant enzymes are also available. Usually they are for oral administration in the form of pills or capsules. However, the absorption of antioxidant enzymes in supplement form is minimal at best. The damage theories of antiaging primarily look at the damage that our cells incur over time. Hence, this aspect of antioxidant antiaging therapy focuses more on extrinsic aging, which is the aging process compounded by externally caused factors. On the other hand, the programmed theories are primarily concerned with the genetics of how long and how efficient our cells can maintain optimum health. The minute your body starts to process oxygen in order to produce energy is the first step to potentially developing a disease or starting the slow process of aging. It's normal and it is a part of life. Certainly, it can't be completely dispelled. It can however be controlled. Now, by "control", we don't mean controlling the process of oxidation itself, but controlling the outcome of it. Recent studies have shown that part of the benefit from eating fresh produce everyday comes from antioxidants. These are substances that defend our body against the ravages brought on by free radicals. The first ever antioxidants to catch the attention of scientists and the vitamin supplement industry is beta-carotene or more commonly known as Vitamin A. All these spell the one of the most important antioxidant foods - berries. Berries are full of fibers, minerals and vitamins. They are also loaded with healing antioxidants, which of course make them excellent antioxidant foods. There are several kinds of berries, as you well know, and each kind has a different concentration of antioxidants. 

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