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Dr. Kawashima's Brain Training for Nintendo Switch AWESOME!

As we grow older, it is natural for some of our brain cells to age and die which would cause some problems with memory. Over the years, research on brain training showed that it could help in decreasing memory loss. Dementia is one of the biggest health issues that the older generation is facing. Currently, about 24 million people are suffering from dementia. This training is important to help them distinguish the difference between the letters. One of the biggest problems of dyslexics is how they distinguish letters with almost similar sounds. The words are broken into sounds and they are exaggerated or slowed down to put emphasis n the sounds. After the training, the students participating experienced an increase in their language and reading exams. Right now, they are used by rehabilitation clinics to help mostly elderly patients improve on their mental abilities. If practiced consistently, authorities contend that these aids can improve memory, concentration and can reduce the effects of Alzheimer s-related symptoms. They are also known to improve visual judgment, and generally improve mental capabilities slowed down by aging. Coping Many of these poor students did not continue their high school. Instead, they opted to work and marry and live their lives as best as they could. Despite this, they were among the most productive of generations. Many took jobs where their disabilities did not affect performance, and they used their excellent survival skills handed down by their resourceful parents. The other abilities that were found to have improved concerned on reaction speeds, spatial recognition, verbal abilities and heightened self-control. Brain training exercises had been known to improve such cognitive abilities as memory and learning. They were also known to offset diseases like Parkinson s, Alzheimer s and dementia. Children experienced: Greater concentration Better skills in analyzing and solving problems Getting better grades Quicker response to different situations Improved self confidence and self-esteem An improved confidence and self-esteem could actually help children interact with their peers better. Aside from that, they also proved to show better hand-and-eye coordination, that would help them increase their physical mobility whether in sports or other physical activities. 

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