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Dr Kawashima's Brain Training for Nintendo Switch - Launch trailer

The simple act of manipulating clay dough can do wonders for your child s hand-brain coordination. Moreover, it can lay ground works for the establishment of fresh neural connections. The nomadic nature of early human civilizations contributed in their fight for survival especially under harsh conditions. Super fuels Certain substances such as caffeine (in coffee and tea) have been scientifically validated as super-fuels for the brain, giving a short-term boost to functions such as vigilance and memory. Some studies also indicated there may be positive long-term effects when these substances are consumed in moderation. Those who have difficulty in reading would often have an abnormal function of the neuron s myelin. By understanding this neurobiological aspect of dyslexia, the researchers were able to design a kind of training which helped dyslexics become better readers after eight weeks of the training. In the training, the dyslexics were subjected into understanding the basic sounds of language rapidly. This could also significantly improve social interactions. Unlike medications for anxiety and depression, neurofeedback is unlikely to produce side-effects. It is also likely for anxiety and depression to return once medication is stopped. However, neurofeedback and brain training and coaching sessions do not replace medication intake. Memory Medical authorities are targeting brain training on the rehabilitation of our three key mental skills memory, visualization and reasoning. Good memory is simply making mental connections. The more connections you have of something, the more likely you can remember it. How does the word sound? What thoughts does it bring to mind? Brain plasticity The whole concept of brain training hinges on the theory of brain plasticity. In the old days, scientists erroneously thought the brain s network is already fixed with the onset of aging and that old people could not learn any more new information. The idea of brain plasticity turned that old notion 180 degrees. 

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